Monday, November 17, 2008

Dancing at Disco's, Eating Cheese on Toast!!!

Me, Amelia and Ryan before we went out!

My New Hair!

so since my last blog iv had a few eventful days, some good some not so good but i guess that what life is like! iv been feeling kind of lonely lately and it sucks... i just wish he was with me right now ='[ i hate being alone at christmas its the one time of year your meant to spend with loved ones but i cant be with mine! there's good reason for that but ill have to tell you another time! Claire knows who im talking about...

anyway on with the weekend... ill complain about guys later
so on saturday i had work until half 5 with Ryan, it was quite fun actually, then went home and started getting ready to go out, at about half 6 Ryan turned up at mine with champagne and sambuca [gotta love him] then Amelia turned up at about 7
we all got ready while drinking and taking pictures! then off we went to town.... to meet Claire and Anita! i must say saturday night was the best night iv had in a while!

so when i got home, you could say i was slightly under the influence.... [hahaha yeah right] i went online and checked my facebook [dont know how but i did] then went to bed but not forgetting to turn on my alarm to get me up for work on sunday [yes thats right i worked sunday as well] so i got up on sunday and got ready for work, damn work on a sunday is bad enough going in with a hangover just made it 10 times worse!!

so it got to about lunch time and my hang over was slowly passing, that'll teach me for drinking so much [or not, i do it most weekends] when work FINALLY finished i walked home to fond my mum had made me dinner, and to be honest i was in no fit state to be eating anything so i ended up throwing it all away.... ma bad! so i went online for a few hours and in those few hours i spoke to Claire, Amelia and Celine and also managed to get my step dad to buy me a new bass guitar [awesome! i know] and then ventured to bed... oh how i love my bed

then on comes monday, i woke up way to early but it had to be done cuz i had college, so i got up and got ready then left the house, my mum drove into a car park next a shop so she could get a few things before work just to realise our car had a flat back tire so my mum had to drive all the way back home and i had to walk from the shop!!! not funny....

when i got to college i was well i guess you could say not in the best of moods but i got on with it anyway.... as usual john was there listening to old 80's music... hes very weird but i must admit some of the songs were good

when my lesson started i got on with the paper work for my production but shortly after got a little bored so me and felicity kind of dosed for the rest of the lesson!! 
then there was the walk home... argh i hate it and just as i got about 10 minutes away it started raining, i swear the weather actually hates me! =[

when i eventually got into my house i put my stuff in my room and went to watch TV, i put Ricki Lake on and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon...

im now currently sitting in my room getting used to having new hair... its not working very well, i feel like an idiot but oh well... and thinking of watching Super Bad! i love that film, i think im actually in love with McLovin!!!

so that was my weekend, all good expect work on sunday.... hope everyone else had a good weekend, tell me what you all got up to, i do care about you guys to!

Friday, November 14, 2008

It Must Be Love, Love, Love Nothing More Nothing Less Love Is The Best!

Im sitting wait for my class to start so i thought i would write a blog... but i found myself thinking hmm what could i possibly write about so i thought i would write about how much i love my friends, im having one of those days where i feel i dont tell them enough how much they really mean to me!!! so here goes....

Claire [Wifey]
iv known her since i was 4 and to be honest even though some times we go months without talking as soon as we do start speaking its like nothing ever changed... we never stop talking because we've had a fight or anything we just know when each other needs space!
this girl seriously mean so much to me, shes helped me realise im pretty and that if some guy cant see that then its his lose... i love you forever and always! 

Sarah [Bagel]
i met Sarah when i was like 15 in a PE class at school, we were both laughing about the same girl and since then we've been inseparable, we're like sisters without the fighting and bitching!
we've both been through some hard times and we've both been there for each other no matter what... and for that i love her greatly!!!
Bagel + Donut = BONUT!!! 

Mel [Puppy]
we've know each other since we were about 5 but didn't actually become good friends till we were about 16.... we consider each other as the others hyper pill and she's the one person i cant stand not talking to, if we have a fight i try my hardest to make up with her because life without Mel is hell!!! 
i guess if i only could use one sentence to describe how much i love this girl it would have to be...
'i love you like a fat kid loves cake'

Amelia [Philis]
we have a lot of history but if anything i think we're stronger now more then ever... when i moved into my house at age 3 Amelia [also 3 and only 12 days older then me] and her mum were the first ones to welcome us on to the estate, we've been best friends since then! we spent most of our childhood thinking we were cool because we were going out with skater boys and now we still think we're cool because we still listen to cheesy pop music from the 90's [90's music rules, dont cheek]
i love you long time Philis!

we go to college together and if it wasn't for her i probably would have gone crazy by now! we spend most of our days laughing and joking about certain people and getting hyper just in time for our class to start!
she's one of the funniest people i know and without her college would be boring....
i love you Felicity and dont forget to call me when your living in Mexico and im in Las Vegas!!!

Ryan or RyRy
I LOVE YOU full stop! no matter how miserable i am or how annoying i can be he never fails to make me laugh or never moans at me to stop being annoying.... the first time i met Ryan properly was at a party and he managed to get me drink off wine, every time he went to the bar he would come back with a drink for me whether i had finished the one i already had or not, since then there have been plenty more night where iv barely been able to stand because of him but i still love him and still never turn down a drinking session with him!!!
Much Love! <3

Charles [Charlie]
hes the love of my life, the first time i met him i was dance around in a tutu and singing a Girls Aloud song completely unaware he was standing in the door way of my classroom! after that i knew i was destined to be his friend... i dont think iv ever loved a guy as much as i love this one... he means so much to me and even though i never let him know this, i miss him like crazy and i just want him home now! im just sorry i never got to say goodbye! ='[ i really do love you charles and i know im mean to you some times but our relationship wouldn't be as special if we didn't treat each other the way we do! i miss you so much and i cant wait to see you at Christmas!! <3

Celine [Cee]
although iv only known Celine since the beginning of the summer and we've never actually met in person considering we live in completely different places, and we only met because we added the same person on facebook, we've got so much in common and both helped each other realise that guys can some times be pricks and we're better off without them.... most of our conversations consist of moaning about our days or joking about the future!
i promise i wont forget you when im in America and at least you know im real!

i bloody love all you guys so much and thank you for everything! xxx

Thursday, November 13, 2008

As The World Turns...

today was probably the most pointless day of my life... 
first i woke up stupidly early, 6:50 am to be exact, to start getting ready for college

so when i got to college it was 8:30 am and i had like 2 hours to waste before my class started so i went into one of the classrooms with John [hes in my class] and went on youtube, hes the weirdest person i know i mean who looks up things on youtube like 'people getting hit in the face by ball' admittedly it was really funny but i would not think of looking things up like that....

^watch this guy hes is an amazing drummer! damn!

so when my class finally did start, it was crap... i done basically nothing, the class was TV and Video Production and we have to make a documentary or drama about anything we want... talk about boring, its the paper work that annoys me.... its just so crap!!!!

so then it got to half 12 and we went to lunch, the canteen at my college is probably the funniest place in jersey.... there are some right freak in there,  but they keep me entertained so its okay

after lunch i went back to doing the paper work for my production but actually ended up going on Google Earth with Felicity for the rest of that class, it was so funny, we looked at places like Las Vegas and Mexico! so when we got bored of looking at other places we decided to find exactly where we were in jersey.... after a good 20 minutes of trying to find our college on google earth we did and to be honest is was a bit of a let down! our college looks crap from the sky!!!!!

so we finished our wonderful college day at 3:00 pm and i started my walk home only for it to start raining about 5 minutes into my half an hour walk.... great huh
so when i got home i was soaked so i got changed into some comfy clothes and sat on my bed got out my laptop and went online!!! 

and right now... im still sitting on my bed, its 8:57 pm and im still online talking to Celine [Cee], Claire, Sarah and Ryan while im getting my photography portfolio ready for my photography class tomorrow, but unlike today tomorrow should be fun, photography is the best lesson ever and its friday which means its nearly the weekend....!!!! =]

Love Y'all

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Love Me or Hate Me...

i thought id start this off by introducing myself...

My name is Cheryl-Lee and im 20 [not that i act my age, i blame the red bull]
i live in Jersey Channel Islands, which is a small island in between England and France, not many people have heard of it so if you haven't then dont worry because i dont care!
its not really that fun here, we're not famous for anything such as beer, food or bands!
its nice for a holiday as long as you come at the right time of year... apart from that it rains a lot and is generally really cold
im hoping to move away from here next year and i cant wait!! America here i come!!!! =]

i get bored quickly so im in desperate need of a new adventure.... this place just isn't big enough

i have great friends which im sure ill write plenty about... sometimes i think im lucky because there so good to me, im annoying, hyper and tend to shout a lot but they've still stuck with me and never cared about how many times i embarrass them... i love them, they keep me sane or insane!!!

i love Celine, shes amazing... shes funny and puts up with me moaning to her on AIM!!! thanks for everything! <3

a few of my closet friends are Sarah, Mel, Amelia, Claire, Ryan and Felicity... get used to hearing those names, they'll be mentioned a lot, they've all helped me through some tuff times and for that im eternally grateful!!!

Music is my life, i dont know what id do without it.... i sing, not that i think im any good but my friends tell me different, i guess there telling me the truth right?

im in a band [we have no name yet] but its just recently been put on hold as the drummers house burnt down, which had her drum kit, my guitar, 3 keyboards and 2 microphones in it so we've put the band on hold until we can get all our equipment back... it sucks im just glad my lyrics weren't there as well, nope there locked up save in my room!

anyway i think iv rambled on enough, thats just a little bit of my life....
until next time...

Mahalo! <3