Monday, November 17, 2008

Dancing at Disco's, Eating Cheese on Toast!!!

Me, Amelia and Ryan before we went out!

My New Hair!

so since my last blog iv had a few eventful days, some good some not so good but i guess that what life is like! iv been feeling kind of lonely lately and it sucks... i just wish he was with me right now ='[ i hate being alone at christmas its the one time of year your meant to spend with loved ones but i cant be with mine! there's good reason for that but ill have to tell you another time! Claire knows who im talking about...

anyway on with the weekend... ill complain about guys later
so on saturday i had work until half 5 with Ryan, it was quite fun actually, then went home and started getting ready to go out, at about half 6 Ryan turned up at mine with champagne and sambuca [gotta love him] then Amelia turned up at about 7
we all got ready while drinking and taking pictures! then off we went to town.... to meet Claire and Anita! i must say saturday night was the best night iv had in a while!

so when i got home, you could say i was slightly under the influence.... [hahaha yeah right] i went online and checked my facebook [dont know how but i did] then went to bed but not forgetting to turn on my alarm to get me up for work on sunday [yes thats right i worked sunday as well] so i got up on sunday and got ready for work, damn work on a sunday is bad enough going in with a hangover just made it 10 times worse!!

so it got to about lunch time and my hang over was slowly passing, that'll teach me for drinking so much [or not, i do it most weekends] when work FINALLY finished i walked home to fond my mum had made me dinner, and to be honest i was in no fit state to be eating anything so i ended up throwing it all away.... ma bad! so i went online for a few hours and in those few hours i spoke to Claire, Amelia and Celine and also managed to get my step dad to buy me a new bass guitar [awesome! i know] and then ventured to bed... oh how i love my bed

then on comes monday, i woke up way to early but it had to be done cuz i had college, so i got up and got ready then left the house, my mum drove into a car park next a shop so she could get a few things before work just to realise our car had a flat back tire so my mum had to drive all the way back home and i had to walk from the shop!!! not funny....

when i got to college i was well i guess you could say not in the best of moods but i got on with it anyway.... as usual john was there listening to old 80's music... hes very weird but i must admit some of the songs were good

when my lesson started i got on with the paper work for my production but shortly after got a little bored so me and felicity kind of dosed for the rest of the lesson!! 
then there was the walk home... argh i hate it and just as i got about 10 minutes away it started raining, i swear the weather actually hates me! =[

when i eventually got into my house i put my stuff in my room and went to watch TV, i put Ricki Lake on and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon...

im now currently sitting in my room getting used to having new hair... its not working very well, i feel like an idiot but oh well... and thinking of watching Super Bad! i love that film, i think im actually in love with McLovin!!!

so that was my weekend, all good expect work on sunday.... hope everyone else had a good weekend, tell me what you all got up to, i do care about you guys to!

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