Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Love Me or Hate Me...

i thought id start this off by introducing myself...

My name is Cheryl-Lee and im 20 [not that i act my age, i blame the red bull]
i live in Jersey Channel Islands, which is a small island in between England and France, not many people have heard of it so if you haven't then dont worry because i dont care!
its not really that fun here, we're not famous for anything such as beer, food or bands!
its nice for a holiday as long as you come at the right time of year... apart from that it rains a lot and is generally really cold
im hoping to move away from here next year and i cant wait!! America here i come!!!! =]

i get bored quickly so im in desperate need of a new adventure.... this place just isn't big enough

i have great friends which im sure ill write plenty about... sometimes i think im lucky because there so good to me, im annoying, hyper and tend to shout a lot but they've still stuck with me and never cared about how many times i embarrass them... i love them, they keep me sane or insane!!!

i love Celine, shes amazing... shes funny and puts up with me moaning to her on AIM!!! thanks for everything! <3

a few of my closet friends are Sarah, Mel, Amelia, Claire, Ryan and Felicity... get used to hearing those names, they'll be mentioned a lot, they've all helped me through some tuff times and for that im eternally grateful!!!

Music is my life, i dont know what id do without it.... i sing, not that i think im any good but my friends tell me different, i guess there telling me the truth right?

im in a band [we have no name yet] but its just recently been put on hold as the drummers house burnt down, which had her drum kit, my guitar, 3 keyboards and 2 microphones in it so we've put the band on hold until we can get all our equipment back... it sucks im just glad my lyrics weren't there as well, nope there locked up save in my room!

anyway i think iv rambled on enough, thats just a little bit of my life....
until next time...

Mahalo! <3

1 comment:

Cee said...

I'm still jealous of you moving to America. Don't ever forget about me when you get famous! Ö

I love you more! :D